The Gumshoe Group!
Initial Questions of Candidate
Step 1 of 7
Most Public Safety candidates become apprehensive when asked to participate in a personal interview and Voice Stress Analysis Examination (CVSA). Feelings of apprehension, uncertainty, and anxiety are common. As your procedure begins, you will become more comfortable, and you will find that your examiner will make every effort to make this experience pleasant for you.
Your success in the interview and examination requires that you provide complete and accurate responses to the listed questions and that you be completely truthful. None of us have a perfect history and all of us, at one time or another, have participated in illegal and embarrassing activities. Most successful candidates have stolen, used illegal drugs, have been involved in fights, and have engaged in other illegal activities. Your prospective employer and your Voice Stress Analysis Examiner understand that being human includes making mistakes and that people can both learn from their mistakes and become better people (and job candidates) in the process.
Your voluntary and complete truthfulness is the most important quality in the successful Public Safety applicant. Without truthfulness, a Public Safety employee can unnecessarily endanger human life and property, can cause liabilities costing millions of dollars, and can destroy the credibility of the agency and the faith of the citizens he or she serves. For these reasons, it is necessary to demonstrate that you can be truthful. If you cannot be completely truthful about your background history and behavior, we have no basis to conclude that you would be truthful if hired as a Public Safety employee. Lying or intentionally omitting any information during your interview and/or Voice Stress Analysis Examination can result in automatic disqualification. However, if you are completely truthful, we will provide a fair evaluation of your background and your potential for success in the Public Safety field.
Your examiner is human and understands human behavior. He will provide you with all the time necessary to explain any behaviors or problems, and the Voice Stress Analysis Examiner will not make any judgments about you or your past behavior. With your full cooperation, your examiner will work with you to help qualify you for the position you are seeking.
The interview and exam are voluntary, and you can terminate them at any time. Understand that you have the right to refuse to submit to this examination, at any time, for any reason. You are free to leave the interview/exam at any time you choose. You do not have the right to know the results of said exam and understand that the results of the exam will not be used as the sole determinant of the outcome of the selection process.
From the start time of your appointment to the end of the exam, the entire process takes approximately two to three hours. It is important that your schedule on the day of the exam will accommodate this length of time.
No personal items are allowed in the interview/exam. This includes, but is not limited to cell phones, electronic devices, purses, backpacks, bags, firearms, knives, and all other personal items. You will be allowed to bring your House/Car keys, prescribed medicine, and any medical devices you need along with government-issued photo ID. These are the only personal items that will be allowed in the interview/exam room. If needed, you will be allowed to secure your personal items in your vehicle before entering the interview/exam room. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Failure to comply with this rule may result in your immediate disqualification from the process.
Upon arriving at your appointment, you will be asked to complete a CVSA Pre-Employment Questionnaire. Some of the questions might be similar to those that you completed previously. However, these questions are specifically designed for the CVSA exam that you will be taking.
You are applying for a professional position, so please dress appropriately. Appropriate business attire is strongly encouraged.
I fully recognize that individuals must clearly demonstrate their personal and professional fitness to serve in certain employment positions. I further recognize that an employing entity has an obligation to take every reasonable effort to ensure that any person employed by them will conform to the very highest standards.
I understand that I will undergo a rigorous, in-depth background investigation as a result of my application for this position. This investigation will include, but is not limited to, contacting persons and/or organizations that have information regarding my fitness to work in a position of Public Trust.
I understand that this background investigation is to assess my qualifications for this specific employment. I understand that I will be given NO FEEDBACK or results other than being notified of “Passing” or “Not Passing”.
Therefore, I exonerate, release, and discharge the employing entity, it’s officers, agents, or assigns, now and in the future, from any claim or damages, whether in law or in equity, on behalf of myself, my heirs, agents, or assigns, for their refusal to make available any and all information contained in this pre-employment investigation, including but not limited to the identity of any person or organization providing the information, as well as the substance of any such information supplied, even where such information has been the basis for my disqualification from further consideration for employment.
I knowingly and voluntarily waive my rights to inspect, view or obtain any access to this pre-employment background investigation or background investigation report or to otherwise discover the contents of this investigation and all documents related thereto pursuant to Labor Code Section 1198.5 or other legislation.
The California courts have held that an employer has a legal duty to know the persons whom it employs. In some cases, California law may mandate a background investigation before employment, while in other cases it is merely a matter of public policy or prudence before placing someone in a position of public trust.
Both State and Federal courts have also held that there is an absolute necessity for public employees to be truthful. You must understand that a lack of truthfulness or deception of any type on your part will automatically and irrevocably result in your application being rejected from further consideration.
For some people, there may be one or more incidents or occurrences in their background which they regret or over which they may feel some embarrassment. A prospective employer will not make inquiries into areas of a person’s background, which have no legitimate bearing on their qualifications for the job. You should understand that the mere presence of so-called “negative” information in your background is not automatically disqualifying. For example, an applicant may have engaged in petty thievery as a child, used illegal drugs, been fired from a job, or been convicted of a crime as an adult. While these things in and of themselves may not automatically remove that person from consideration for a job, lying about them will.
A pre-employment background investigation is not intended to be an intimidating experience or an unwarranted invasion into your privacy. Your background investigator will contact persons who know you, including your present and/or former employers, and will examine official documents and records concerning you to assure that you have been honest in your application and to fulfill the legal mandates imposed by the courts and legislature. The more forthright you have been, the greater the likelihood that your background can be completed in a timely and successful manner.
I understand that should any information regarding my involvement in any type of criminal activity be discovered by the background investigator or any other person assigned to the determination of my qualifications, that the Gumshoe Group and/or the agency which you are an applicant for, is under a moral and ethical obligation to advise the agency having jurisdiction of such criminal activity.
I understand that all information received regarding such criminal activity including any statements made by myself will be released to the agency having jurisdiction in the matter. I further understand that criminal activity may include violations of federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, including violation of tax codes.
I voluntarily agree to participate in a Voice Stress Analysis examination as part of the background process for the position I am seeking. I am aware that I may refuse to take the examination, that I may stop the examination at any time and for any reason, and that the examination procedure is subject to my present and continued willing cooperation.
I understand that the information and the facts that I reveal during this procedure will be used to help evaluate my suitability for the position I am seeking. I also understand that I will not be accepted or rejected for employment based solely upon the Voice Stress Examination.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Voice Stress Examiner, The Gumshoe Group and the sponsoring agency in this Voice Stress Examination and the results thereof.
I have agreed to this Statement of Release and the Voice Stress Examination of my own free will and without any threats or promises.
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